When we declare and show determination to do something or feel a certain way, or to have a certain type of day- this is known as setting an intention. You may begin your day with the intention "I will have a productive day", meaning you have made up your mind that you will do everything you set out to do for the day, whatever that means for you as an individual. Setting a daily intention keeps you connected to your desires, goals, and needs. Sometimes we encounter obstacles that prevent us, or seemingly prevent us, from achieving our personal goals. Whether the obstacle is physical or mental, or even emotional, it can disrupt our peace, leaving us feeling anxious, discouraged and unsure of ourselves.  Thankfully, our amazing Earth has provided us with natural tools to dispel and block negative energy that may try to sway us from accomplishing these goals.  

Crystals have immense healing power, and can serve as a visual reminder of the goals we've set for ourselves. When we combine the power of the mind and the healing properties of crystals, we can indeed bring our thoughts to fruition!

By connecting with specific crystals, such as Obsidian, intrusive negative thoughts, anxiety, and even guilt can be thwarted. When we're feeling riddled with self-doubt and yearning to attract a more loving energy, the pink colored Rose quartz and green Aventurine are amongst familiar favorites. If the goal is improved focus so you can get through an intense work week- Sodalite is one of many suitable options.

In this section you'll find bracelets created with your intention in mind. The only question left to be answered is,  What is Your Intention? 


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