Every cell in the human body vibrates constantly with energy. By its very nature- energy is continually moving and changing. Energy becomes congested and then releases; contracting and expanding similar to a lung. For centuries, Healers of many cultures have accepted that the human body draws energy into it from a universal energy field. Ancient Hindu cultures recognized the chakras as the means by which the body draws this energy. 

Chakras ("wheel" in Sanskrit) are energy centers located within our bodies. Each chakra moves with a spinning motion, forming a vortex. These vortices filter the energy of our environment and it disperses throughout our body.

There are 7 chakras located along the spine, from the bottom (Root) to the top (Crown). They each correspond to spiritual psychological, physical, and emptiness states of being and influence all areas of our lives. When they are unlocked and aligned, our energy is free-flowing and we feel good.

Each chakra is associated with a specific color as well as specific gemstones. When we intentionally wear these colors and stones, along with yoga, meditation and other spiritual practices, we can manifest true healing and live our best lives. 


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